Katy Montgomerie
Katy is a feminist, LGBT rights advocate, atheist, metalhead and insect enthusiast
The latest
See what I’ve been up to!
No One Actually Believes That Cis Is A Slur, Here’s Why They Pretend To
They’re saying it to waste your time and to stop you talking about the oppression of trans people
EHRC Recommends The UK Government Decimate Trans Rights
What is happening and what can you do to help!
Sometimes Freedom Of Speech Is A Pie
Giving bigots free reign on social media silences their targets. Abusing people is easier than being abused, so a platform without moderation just tends to only hate.
Solidarity Is More Important Than Liking People
We can’t afford to be falling out with valuable people just because they’re annoying or whatever!
“Every Single Cell In Your Body Is Male” - False
As a trans woman on the internet you’ll often hear the claim that all of your cells are male. Is that true? And why is that important?
Sex Is Real. Why Haven't I Been Cancelled Yet?
No one has ever faced any negative consequences just for saying “sex is real”.
“Gender Critical” Views Are Disgusting: A Justification
An argument on an open stage that invites proper scrutiny