The latest
See what I’ve been up to!
I'm One Of The Good Ones™
My second ever edited video! It talks about trans people who suck up to transphobes for validation.
I was on the Atheist Experience!
Was I the first trans woman on the weekly atheist call in show?
I'm a trans woman and I used to be TRANSPHOBIC!
Welcome to my first ever edited video! Here I talk about how I used to be transphobic and why, how it affected my life and how I got out of it!
No, You Can’t Always Tell
Addressing the claim that you can always tell who is trans or not, with evidence.
Addressing Concerns Over GRA Reform
The proposed reform to the Gender Recognition Act 2004 has been the catalyst for a lot of the push back against trans rights in the UK in the last few years. Here I explain what it is, what it isn’t, and why there has been such a reaction.